Driver Evaluations
Driver Evaluation
RST Mobility Services, offers a comprehensive driving evaluation performed by a Driver Rehab Specialist. The evaluation is broken into two parts, clinical and if appropriate a BTW (behind the wheel) evaluation portion.
Senior Driver Evaluation
Specialists in Driving have the knowledge base to understand the aging process throughout the life span and medical diagnoses and conditions that can affect driving skills. We value the meaning of independence in community mobility for our senior citizens. Our comprehensive evaluation has two parts, which are the clinical evaluation and if appropriate the Behind-the-wheel evaluation.
Driver Training Program
Driving training is provided by a Driving Rehab Specialist and is set up depending on whether the client has had any prior driving experience or not. An evaluation may be used to help determine a person's mobility prescription, and if necessary, the training will also teach the driver how to use the prescribed adaptive equipment in his or her vehicle.
Driver Education
RST Mobility Services provides specialized driver education for a variety of ages and disabilities in order to help people become safe, defensive drivers. This service in particular is for new and inexperienced drivers and is provided by a Driver Rehab Specialist. The instructions and teachings vary according to the driver's learning level and style.